Friday 30 April 2021

Articles Written This Month - April 2021


So, it's been a pretty quiet month, content-wise. Which is mostly because I've been busy with exams and assignments for the masters. Not to mention that you can now find all of my personal work over on The Live Life. We'll get into that, in a little while!

My Pet Needs That:

Do Female Cats Spray?

Busch Wants Your Dog to Be a Taste Tester - I know, I'm amazed by what I get to write about at times, too. 

A Recall of Cat Food in 8 States

Puppy Teething Survival Tips 


The Ultimate Guide to Washing Dog Toys

Why Do Dogs Drink Toilet Water?

How to Care for Newborn Kittens?

So, what's this about The Live Life?

I'm glad you asked (you're so thoughtful)! The Live Life was something that has been rattling around in the back of my brain for a while. I wanted to create a website that took all the information which is usually targeted toward men, and change it up, for people of all genders. 

Too often, tech reviews are limited to cars and science - which are written for guys, typically. Similarly, entertainment for women tends to be a bit light and airy - based around celeb gossip. While entertainment for men focuses on the game releases, info about who's been cast in films and so on. There's such a clear divide that it has been maddening trying to find something that crosses those divides, without talking down to an audience. 

Enter The Live Life. Here, we'll be taking the high end, data-filled, factual info that you might typically find in National Geographic (for example) and we break it down into easy-to-read lifestyle pieces. Our tech reviews include parenting products and deep-dives into home and garden updates. Our entertainment includes indie games, all the way through to the latest film releases. 

The team behind The Live Life is amazing. Humaam hits everything with a touch of humour, Allie loves to get nerdy about all forms of storytelling, Eloise covers news and lifestyle in an upbeat easy-to-read fashion, Abi gets up-close-and-personal with what she knows best, Stef is a qualified doctor who covers all things tech and medical and then there's me, writing everything else and herding the ducks, as it were. 

If you're able to, we'd love for you to check us out. And - if you're a WordPress user - give us a follow! Even better, shout us out to everyone if you can. We have no budget at the moment, so the work goes entirely from the team due entirely to their passion for their subjects - and I couldn't be more grateful.